Day 9: You Are Suffering

The times that we are in right now are for sure proof that we are indeed suffering, not necessarily ailing in sickness (hopefully not, but possibly so), but in spirit and emotion. Many people I have been talking to (many of whom are college students) are missing their daily routines, favorite places to study, the occasional luxury of eating out. Other people that I have talked to are worrying about loved ones in the hospital and wishing they could be there with them, mourning loved ones who have past away either through COVID-19 or due to other medical battles. But no matter what degree each person is struggling, everyone is suffering.

A few months ago, I took time off from reading Books of the Bible in an exegesis manner so that I could do a study on the word and concept of “suffering”. Now there are lots and lots of different passages regarding human suffering, countless instances of God’s people crying out to Him. My biggest question really was: If God is good, why does He allow suffering?

So it’s been a crazy rough day for me, so instead of not posting, I am going to share something I wrote back in the beginning of February:

“So last Saturday, I had the privilege to share some thoughts on the idea of suffering while on a weekend with my ministry team. I was really unsure what to say because it’s a really tricky topic and I didn’t want to give myself such a challenge. But God put the word “suffering” on my heart and I needed to follow through. When it came down to it, I had to ask myself ‘Is this about me? Or is this about God?

“And by the grace of God, I was able to collect my thoughts and followed the voice that was telling me to step WAY out of my comfort zone.

“First, we looked at the story of Job and how he had an amazing standing within his community. He was the riches man in all of the East (Job 1:3); he had everything that could possibly resemble wealth and status (Job 1: 1-3).

“Then, one day God allowed Satan to take away that measurable wealth (Job 1:12). All of Job’s kids were killed when one of the houses collapsed on them (Job 1:18-19). Job was also physically tormented with sores ALL OVER his body (Job 2:7). While sharing the message, I focused on what Job said in Chapter 2 verse 10b: ‘Should we not accept good from God and not evil?’

“And then we looked at the story of Joseph, the favorite of Jacob’s 12 sons (Genesis 37:3); he was sold into slavery at a relatively young age (Genesis 37:12-36). He was under Potiphar when Potiphar’s wife falsely accused Joseph of wrongdoing and got him thrown into jail (Genesis 39:1-19).

“While in jail, however, God did not forsake Joseph. He was respected by the other inmates as well as trusted by the guards who were over him. In fact, Joseph was known to be able to interpret dreams. This gift from God ultimately freed him from being wrongly kept in prison. Because of God’s mercy, Joseph is released and saves his entire family as he oversees the storing of grain and food (Genesis chapters 39-47).

“In Genesis 50:19-20, Joseph turns and says to his brothers, ‘Don’t be afraid. Am I in the place of God? You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish that which is now being done, the saving of many lives.’

“In suffering, I explained that we don’t fully understand why or what is going on. However, we serve a god who does know and does understand. The reason why there is suffering in this world is because of sin. We are now separated that from which is perfect and holy. God is good and without flaws. Instead, due to the gap because of sin during the fall, we no longer experience the perfection that God desired for us to have with Him in the Garden of Eden (Genesis 3:1-24).

“Christians are still humans, and therefore we are not exempt from the consequences of sin. My conclusion: when we suffer, we need to turn to Christ and Christ alone. We cannot look at our circumstances merely thought the lenses of our human perspective. If we look to the Lord our God, then we won’t be so heavily bogged down by that which the Bible tells us is temporary (2 Corinthians 4:18).

“God is holy. Perfect and without flaw. He is unmatched in glory and strength and power. And yet, God is full of compassion and boundless grace. God doesn’t need us in order to work and yet chooses to use us as His vessels anyway. [I am going to go into more depth about several of these later on].

“Today, some unexpected things came up in my personal life. And if I am honest, I started to doubt whether or not God was in control and working all things together for the good of those who love Him. It just felt like this extreme sense of: ‘What if I believe and that belief is not good enough?”

“And then I started to recall everything that I had focused on this past Saturday: In Job Chapter 38, God shows up and starts talking to a vey humble Job. God questions him asking {paraphrase: Who are you to ask me questions? Who was there when I laid the foundations of the earth?’}

“And then we get to Job’s response in Chapter 42. And this is just so profound and amazing to me. Job addresses God and admits how small he is in relation to the Lord God Almighty. And I love this: Job doesn’t even ask God for a reason!! He admits that he is someone so insignificant in the face of God who is everlasting. All that he lost, all that he suffered, none of it was so important that it was recorded, even if it was spoken. God remains the main character in the story of Job.

“If I am being completely honest, in my doubts and questions today, I did ask God for a reason. I can’t say for sure that I have received one.

“However, I have found assurance in who God is and the inexplicable peace that God is the same yesterday and today and forever. Our God is not surprised by anything, and all things happen according to His time and purpose. He is a strong and just God who desires a relationship with you and a relationship with me. He is not fazed by our situations nor is he hindered by our lack of faith.

“If you are struggling today, suffering today, know that despite of sin, God has conquered the grave. He knows and loves you intimately!

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