
I am a student at Liberty University who has struggled with an undiagnosed autoimmune disease since my sophomore more year in high school. Blood draws, doctor visits, and medical testing was something that felt very normal since the age of fifteen. I am very thankful that lots of what I have faced have been relatively minor compared to many others whom I have talked to, but flare-ups still terrify me.

I always thought that perhaps if I knew more about what was going on and what might happen, I would be happier and better off. Recently, however, I have realized that is not the case. No medical answers will solve anything as I will still have to deal with the results and will still be waiting for more answers.

I have struggled so much with coming to terms with my future as well as how I have dealt with things in the past; I want this to be a place where I can honestly process what I have been through and how to cope with current issues. I have realized that my emotional and mental state can really affect my physical wellness, and that is what I want to explore here. It is not just the food I eat or the sleep I get, although those are extremely important; it’s also about how I deal with the mental battle, who I surround myself with, and resting in the Holy Spirit.

The majority of my writing will be about my autoimmune disease and these other factors play into the healing that I have been searching for. However, I am also looking to conduct research by interviewing and surveying others who struggle with autoimmune diseases. It has felt really lonely while I face the uncertainty, and finding community with others has been one of the biggest healing factors I have found so far!

If you are interested in answering questions because you or someone you know has been diagnosed or is in the process of being diagnosed, please contact me via Facebook at my page also titled “More Than Physical Healing” (the logo should be familiar). I also have a preliminary survey link that would help me tremendously if you wanted to help me with my research. I would like to take notes on any responses I get, but everything can remain anonymous if the participant wishes it to stay that way.

From the very start, I feel the need to say that I do not want this to be dramatic or negative in any way. I believe in creating a space where we can share our stories and fears vulnerably to the benefit of everyone involved. Thank you for choosing to join me in this journey, and I hope we can really grow together!