Month: July 2019

The Importance of the Sabbath

The Importance of The Sabbath Tonight, my host family and I were enjoying random conversations over dinner, talking over each other when necessary and frequently interrupting each other. At one point in the evening, the family friend who had joined us for the evening said something that I had heard before, “It’s weird, you know……Read more

More Than Faces

Before I showed up to camp, the kids that I was going to be in charge of were just numbers on a page. After the first week, they were no longer just numbers; they were faces of children, laughing and crying about all of the craziest things. And now, now they’re neither numbers nor faces….Read more


I am a student at Liberty University who has struggled with an undiagnosed autoimmune disease since my sophomore year in high school. Blood draws, doctor visits, and medical testing was something that felt very normal since the age of fifteen. I am very thankful that lots of what I have faced have been relatively minor…Read more