Category: #The100DayProject

Day 80: You Are Supported

I have heard the argument that people don’t really need to gather together to worship God so the Body of Christ isn’t that important. It’s used as an excuse to not go to church on Sunday’s. Or even as an excuse to ONLY go to church on Sunday’s. Sadly, people believe this excuse and it’s…Read more

Day 79: You Are Needy

I have been thinking a lot about the different things that are going on in the world. I have been looking at my own heart, looking for anger, fears, prejudice even. I have realized more and more that I tend to just avoid all of it. I hide from my own emotions because I don’t…Read more

Day 78: You Are Cherished

Looking through different passages tonight, I found one that I am not sure I really understood when I read it before. At the end of the Book of Jonah, we see God love the people of Ninevah and show them mercy. Jonah prays, “I knew that you are a gracious and compassionate God, slow to…Read more

Day 77: You Are Praying

If I’m being honest, one of the hardest things for me throughout this whole cousins virus season has been prayer. The simplest form of conversation is sometimes the hardest for me to remember. Talking to God can be done anywhere at anytime, so why don’t we do it more often? I love prayer requests. They’re…Read more

Day 76: You Are Welcomed

A really well-known parable is that of the prodigal son (Luke 15:11-34) – a story probably seen a lot around Father’s Day. It’s one of those Bible stories that I hear a lot, and when that happens, sometimes I get calloused to the simple beauty of the meaning behind the story. Most simply, it’s a…Read more

Day 75: You Are Working

The past few weeks have been full of long days with lots of work hours. I enjoy the fast-paced scene I experience at work, and it’s something that gives me a feeling of accomplishment. I know it’s not my purpose in life, but I am reminded that the way we live our lives, wherever that…Read more

Day 74: You Are Followers

I find it important to note that there is a huge distinction between the moment I recognized God as my savior and the moment I recognized Him as my Lord. I knew from a young age that I was in need of some saving grace. I fought to be the best Christian I could for…Read more

Day 73: You Are Calibrated

I remember back in my high school chemistry class, we had to weigh some copper wire on these scales sitting in the back of the room for an experiment. Everyone in the class had to go two or three at a time, one at each scale, until everyone was done. The only instruction we were…Read more

Day 72: You Are Bound

Talking to one of my closest friends over the past few days, I have become increasingly aware the heavy weight of sinful nature we just so naturally carry with us everywhere we go. It’s something we just can’t get rid because it’s bound to us, and it’s something we so easily hate about ourselves. But…Read more

Day 71: You Are Accepted

“May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you the same attitude of mind toward each other that Christ Jesus had, so that with one mind and one voice you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Accept one another, then, just as Christ accepted you, in order to bring…Read more