Day 52: You Are Patient

As I’ve said before, I am nannying this summer. And for so many hours every week, I hear, “Miss Lia! Miss Lia! Miss Lia!” I can’t even count how many times I heard it today. Usually, there is about a half second for a breath between each “Miss Lia” before the next one is shouted down the stairs and across the kitchen where I am making lunch.

It got me thinking, though, about how we so often treat God the same way. When we think that He isn’t hearing us or if He isn’t answering fast enough, we get frustrated and impatient. The Bible tells us that patience comes from the Spirit, and not from ourselves and we are also told that “a person’s wisdom yields patience” (Proverbs 19:11, NIV).

During this time of uncertainty, we know that what God has in store is what is best for us. It’s hard for me to await what I know is still coming. Be patient for what is coming and be present in the here and now, resting where God has you wherever that may be. You are patient.